Sunday, April 15, 2012

End of Semester and Still VL

It's been two months since any of us has posted on this blog. Whoops. Who knows if anyone will actually read this post, but I thought I'd update you anyway.
Well, there's only 3 days left of finals and then we're out of this semester. Unless something completely crazy happens in the next few days, NONE of us are exiting the VLC this year. Who could have predicted such a tragic end?! Although I guess we can continue this storyline for a while longer to see if someone does in fact exit the VLC in the next year or so. Let's hope what's to come isn't as tragic as what has come.
I have very meager updates in my dating life, but I will tell you what I do have:
Last weekend there was (you guessed it) yet another ward set-up date. The setting up process was a little sketchy this time. They had us all fill out a survey with questions such as:
-What is your favorite type of music? and
-What is your favorite color?
Then they paired us up based on compatibility of answers. I have no idea how anyone thought this could somehow find us a super-compatable person. I can just picture a guy and a girl on a date:
"Oh, your favorite color is green, too? We're PERFECT for each other!"
Anyway, I was paired up with Richard, the resident computer expert. (Anytime we have a computer glitch, we call on Richard's "touch of the master's hands" to fix our computers.) So of course I suggested that Richard and I dress as a mac and a PC. And of course, I was the mac.
I taped Mac signs all over me and put a paintbrust behind my ears, while Richard did the same with PC signs and a pocket protector. The ward date consisted of food, playing games, and dancing to live band music. It was actually pretty fun. The couples included:
Beauty and the beast
Salt and pepper
Shrek and fiona
Katniss and Peeta
Tom Hanks and Wilson (Kylie and her date)
So that is that. The next ward set-up date, which did not result in a single "compatible" couple, as far as I know.
Then the next day, I was at a service activity on campus, when I noticed some swing dancing going on. I started dancing with my friend Rob, and he taught me some sweet swing dance moves. He asked how I got in and if I paid for it, and I was like "whooops...," until he informed me that he could bring a guest and it was fine. Afterwards we went back to his apartment to play instruments and sing. He is very musically talented. So that was an interesting occurance.
Well, it's time for the end of the semester, and the end of all of school for me. I'm graduating! Perhaps this will bring me new opportunities in dating. One can only hope.