Tuesday, December 27, 2011

To Be Pursued

It's Christmas break, meaning that no dating is going on for the four of us. Being back at home for Christmas break, especially in a new house where I didn't grow up, isn't giving me many chances for dating. But I did want to share a little realization I've come to: I want to be pursued! No, not by a stalker or a crazy, but by a guy I'm actually interested in.
Talking to my best friend from high school about her new boyfriend reminded me that the good old fashioned dating system can actually work! They started out as friends just spending time together, then he became interested in her. She was also a bit interested in him, but unsure. He asked if they wanted to date and she didn't know so he held off. He wasn't buggy about it nor did he run away in fright, but he was patiently persistent. Finally, after a month or so, she realized that if she didn't date him, she would be forever comparing other guys to him and wishing they were as awesome as him. So she agreed to date him, and they've both been happy ever since.
I realize that the only times I've been pursued is when I'm not interested in the guy or when the guy isn't interested in a serious relationship. I'm tired of guys who wait around for girls to pursue them. Let's go back to the traditional courtship culture a little bit.
Oh, to be pursued.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Who Would Have Thought?!

The Ward Formal is a thing of the past; however, I did not have the opportunity to fill ya'll in on how my fate turned out. Well, the days leading up to the dance were quite unpleasant for me. Kylie, Erin, and Katelyn all had dates by the alleged last day that the boys could ask us; I, on the other hand, was dateless. Which was fine with me--I had loads of essays to write and didn't see the point of going to the Ward Formal anymore; I HAD to write those seven essays or else. Well, Thursday came and I still had no date or even a prospect of one, so I figured I was free to write my essays and sleep in and prepare for last minute midterms and finals. Gosh, I shouldn't make plans. Thursday night at around 10:30 there was a knock on the door. I was sitting on the floor--why the floor, I'm not sure??--finishing up two of my papers when this strange boy entered my apartment. Katelyn and I looked at each other--Who is this?? Well he introduced himself as Will. He said that he was my date for the dance. Okay. Will was from a different Ward and so I had no idea who he was or what he was like. This could be interesting.
Well, whether I liked it or not, the dance was upon me. And may I just say that I looked hot! Will arrived and then we went to the Church--this is where we were having the dance. Everyone was all decked out to the nines and the Church was decorated so nicely...blah, blah, blah...Okay. To the good parts. Will and I got along right from the get-go. He was really funny and nice. We danced and had icing wars and in the end I had a GREAT night! I'm definitely glad that I went. Now, I'm not interested in Will--not THAT way. He's a great guy and really fun to be around, but I'm currently not interested in any boy from the Ward or in Utah. My interests are otherwise occupied in another state that is dear to my heart! ;) But because of the Ward Formal, I made a new friend! Who would have thought?! Not me.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Faith in Boys is Restored

FINALLY I went on a date that restored my faith in the male gender! Now I know there ARE good guys out there who DO know how to date! Let me begin at the beginning...
Thursday night I was watching Anne of Green Gables with some girl friends at my friend's apartment. Unbeknownst to us, her roommate decided to invite about 20 loud guys over for cupcakes, so we had to relocate our girls' night. After searching in vain for an available TV, we asked a guys' apartment if we could watch it there. Some of them watched the movie with us and a couple of them even enjoyed it and want to finish it with us! While I was there, my friend Henry asked if I was doing anything the next day and if I wanted to go out with him. He is an awesome guy but I haven't been super interested in him before because I thought a million other girls were interested in him.
On Friday night we went to see Christmas lights at a park, then got hot chocolate. The only regret I have about the date was that it wasn't long enough! Henry was so nice, so funny, and so interested in me and my life. In other words, he knows how to date! He kept making stupid puns which I thought were funny, and we were able to joke around without making things uncomfortable. I would totally go out with Henry again if he asked. Hurray for good dates!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ward Dance Date: Fun Yet Frustrating

I know you've all been waiting by your computers in agony for the results of the ward date on Saturday. I'm sorry I have disappointed you, but I've been a little overwhelmed with schoolwork. But now the papers are turned in, finals loom before me, and I will let you know of the details of the date.
Before the big date, Kylie, Katelyn, Lynette, and I spent some time doing our hair, fixing out make-up, painting our nails...the works. After we were done, I thought, "Dang, we look hot! Why don't we always look this good?" Then I remembered why: 1) I'm always late so I'm lucky if I have time to pull my hair back and 2) I don't really care that much on normal days.
Anyway, our dates all came to the door about the same time, except for Katelyn's date, who came a little early and was shooed away by Kylie (poor guy). It was quite hilarious watching our entire ward (who all pretty much live in the same apartment complex) all walking to the church building together with our dates. And the ol' date-o did a good job; I kept ooing and awing over couples that were formed that seemed just perfect!
The evening was well-planned and quite fun. We started out with dinner (unfortunately, it was lasagna; fortunately, it didn't get on my dress). Brian and I talked for a long time about our lives. Like I mentioned, Brian is a very funny person, and is always trying to get attention by making hilarious/controversial comments. I was hoping it would be different getting to know him one-on-one. Well, although Brian told me a lot about his life, I don't feel like I know any more about who he is. He kept trying to be witty (which I appreciate) but in a critical way (which I don't appreciate).
Although the dinner left me a bit frustrated because Brian is just such a confusing person, the rest of the night was a lot of fun. We made a 2-story gingerbread house together, learned how to dance the cha-cha, played some card games, and danced the night away to songs such as the Party Rock Anthem.
I tried hard not to laugh as nearly our entire ward had simultaneous doorstep scenes at the end of the date. My doorstep scene with Brian was made all the more awkward because I tried to give him a hug while balancing our gingerbread house in one hand.
The most frustrating thing about the whole date was that the whole evening Brian didn't give me one compliment. The next day in church, however, he got up and bore his testimony to the entire ward about how beautiful all the girls were and he didn't realize they had that potential. Wait? ALL the girls? That POTENTIAL? If Brian was trying to pay me an underhanded compliment, he didn't do a very good job. And if he thought I looked beautiful, why couldn't he say that to my face?
That night Brian sent me a note that said "Thanks for the date. I had a lot of fun. Heart, Brian."
Heart, Brian? Do guys normally use a heart when writing girls?
Anyway, although I had a fun time on the date, it made me realize a couple things: 1) I feel like I still want to get to know Brian better, because I don't think I got to know him at all and 2) Maybe I need to stop being attracted to funny guys! Unless they have the depth to go with it!
What do you all think?