Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ward Dance Date: Fun Yet Frustrating

I know you've all been waiting by your computers in agony for the results of the ward date on Saturday. I'm sorry I have disappointed you, but I've been a little overwhelmed with schoolwork. But now the papers are turned in, finals loom before me, and I will let you know of the details of the date.
Before the big date, Kylie, Katelyn, Lynette, and I spent some time doing our hair, fixing out make-up, painting our nails...the works. After we were done, I thought, "Dang, we look hot! Why don't we always look this good?" Then I remembered why: 1) I'm always late so I'm lucky if I have time to pull my hair back and 2) I don't really care that much on normal days.
Anyway, our dates all came to the door about the same time, except for Katelyn's date, who came a little early and was shooed away by Kylie (poor guy). It was quite hilarious watching our entire ward (who all pretty much live in the same apartment complex) all walking to the church building together with our dates. And the ol' date-o did a good job; I kept ooing and awing over couples that were formed that seemed just perfect!
The evening was well-planned and quite fun. We started out with dinner (unfortunately, it was lasagna; fortunately, it didn't get on my dress). Brian and I talked for a long time about our lives. Like I mentioned, Brian is a very funny person, and is always trying to get attention by making hilarious/controversial comments. I was hoping it would be different getting to know him one-on-one. Well, although Brian told me a lot about his life, I don't feel like I know any more about who he is. He kept trying to be witty (which I appreciate) but in a critical way (which I don't appreciate).
Although the dinner left me a bit frustrated because Brian is just such a confusing person, the rest of the night was a lot of fun. We made a 2-story gingerbread house together, learned how to dance the cha-cha, played some card games, and danced the night away to songs such as the Party Rock Anthem.
I tried hard not to laugh as nearly our entire ward had simultaneous doorstep scenes at the end of the date. My doorstep scene with Brian was made all the more awkward because I tried to give him a hug while balancing our gingerbread house in one hand.
The most frustrating thing about the whole date was that the whole evening Brian didn't give me one compliment. The next day in church, however, he got up and bore his testimony to the entire ward about how beautiful all the girls were and he didn't realize they had that potential. Wait? ALL the girls? That POTENTIAL? If Brian was trying to pay me an underhanded compliment, he didn't do a very good job. And if he thought I looked beautiful, why couldn't he say that to my face?
That night Brian sent me a note that said "Thanks for the date. I had a lot of fun. Heart, Brian."
Heart, Brian? Do guys normally use a heart when writing girls?
Anyway, although I had a fun time on the date, it made me realize a couple things: 1) I feel like I still want to get to know Brian better, because I don't think I got to know him at all and 2) Maybe I need to stop being attracted to funny guys! Unless they have the depth to go with it!
What do you all think?

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