Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Date-O-Matic Spits Out a Date for Me!

On Sunday, the results of the Date-O-Matic 3000 were revealed. Unfortunately the computer program didn't work, so the 2nd counselor of the bishopric and his wife had a jolly old time matching us up with dates. They revealed the dates to the guys on Sunday, but we girls weren't supposed to know who they were until they asked us.
I was thinking more and more about the guys I put on my list, and I realized that out of all of them, I really wanted to go with #4, who I'll call Brian, to be my date. The reasons for this are 1) I already know him fairly well and 2) He is HILARIOUS and I think I would have a ton of fun, which 3) would create more blogging material!
My mysterious date stopped by on Tuesday to ask me, but I wasn't home. My roommates wouldn't tell me who it was, but because they were so excited about it (and because everyone else on my list had dates), I assumed it was Brian. He tried again today, but once again I wasn't home. My roommates told him to call me instead. Meanwhile I was sitting at a meeting for the student journal I work for, and got a call from Brian. It went something like this:
"Hey, this is Brian. How are you?"
"Good. How about you?"
"What are you doing Saturday night?"
"Going to the dance, I guess." (Obviously. I know why you're calling...)
"Do you have a partner yet?"
"Nope." (Obviously not. You were the one set up to be my date!)
"Will you accompany me?"
Awkward pause.
"You do know who this is, don't you?" (I don't know why he asked this. Was it because he really thought I would reject him? Was it because I didn't seem surprised that he'd asked me? [because I wasn't; like I said, I was expecting it]).

It was pretty hilarious that he didn't know how to ask me out for a date that was already set up. I can only imagine how it would go if he had been asking me out on his own; he probably would have had a heart attack.
So I am super pumped about going with Brian! I am probably one of the few people who appreciates his sense of humor, but seriously, he really is one of the funniest people I know. Just to give you a taste of what the date is going to be like, here are some of the things he said in Sunday School a few weeks ago (yes, I wrote them down):
"You know how I hate movie analogies...but...the prophets are like Gandalf and Obiwan."
About putting on the armor of God: "The pecs of righteousness." "You could probably use the shield like a weapon, like, BOOM! SMASH YOU!"
Okay, so these quotes make Brian sound like a bit of an idiot. But he actually is quite smart and witty. It's just hard to take him seriously sometimes when he's so dang funny.
So get ready for the post of your life after Saturday's date. It's going to ROCK!


  1. Hooray! I appreciate a guy who can tell Star Wars and LOTR jokes.

  2. Yay! I'm so excited that the Date-O-Matic 3000 gave you the guy you wanted! And I'm even more excited to hear about it via your next blog post!
