Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Me, Steve, and Strat Wendelboe

So I've been craving old person interaction. I can only take interacting with college aged students for so long before I start running off to nursing homes. It's true. So imagine my delight when I grabbed dinner at The Cougareat before my late night class and saw a 90 year old man with an oxygen tank sitting alone at a table.

I introduced myself and asked if I could sit down. He said "Of course! I love having company!" His name is Strat Wendelboe (not changed). Although he couldn't always hear me and I had to repeat myself several times, we had a delightful conversation. He told me his wife recently had cancer and died. He lives in his house by himself and is bored and lonely. I said I wanted to visit him and he was so excited! He drew me a detailed map of his house on my napkin.

I said "Would you like my number Strat?"
He said "Yes of course! Here write it on this newspaper!"
As I wrote my number on the newspaper, I saw another entry on the newspaper. It said:
"Hey Strat! It was so nice to meet you! -Steve" with Steve's number and address.

"Woah! What kind of man takes the time to enjoy the company of a sweet old man," I thought to myself! I instinctively jotted down Steve's name and number on my napkin before I wished Strat goodbye (He said: "I can't wait for your call! I'll tidy up the house before you come visit me!") and left.

Of course the natural thing to do would be to call this Steve and visit our common friend Strat with him. When I told Erin and Elisa this story, they brought up the point that someone that nice has to be married. So we began our facebook stalkage.

According to facebook, not only is this guy clearly unmarried and single, he is also clearly, well...PERFECT (As far as facebook can tell anyways). He has a picture of him holding a baby as his profile picture. He (like me) was an EFY (Especially For Youth) counselor. His favorite music is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, EFY Music, and classical instrumentation. His favorite book is the Book of Mormon. His favorite movies are "The Testaments" "Toy Story" and "The Gordan B Hinckley Movie." He served a mission in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. His relationship status is SINGLE. "His" website is . AND he likes talking to sweet little old men for fun.

Is Steve too good to be true or does God like to reward you for looking out for his children with the number of a hot guy? All I know is, I'm calling Steve tomorrow FOR SURE!


  1. This is a movie waiting to happen. And by that, I mean, this is a real life story that we can exploit to make into a movie. Call him!

  2. I can't wait to hear the end of this story! He and Payton would get along with their movie choices!

  3. OH MY HEAVENS. Like... really? REALLY? Does God work in mysterious ways? If He didn't before, we have the evidence now.

  4. And I am Ari, but it calls me "unknown"...
