Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How the Date-O-Matic 3000 Won Kylie's Heart

When this "make a list of 5 people and we'll set you up" idea was first brought up in a leadership meeting I audibly said "NO!" Half the counsel jumped down my throat telling me what a great idea it was.
So I was ethically against this idea for a while. I claimed that obviously no one was interested in going to dance with me since no one in the ward asked girls to a required guy ask girl stake dance a week ago. I was sick of people forcing guys to date and holding their hand. Shouldn't they WANT to date after all??
After griping a bit and being urged to give it a try from the bishop himself, I have to admit, the Date-O-Matic 3000 is growing on me. In fact, I think it's great! Couples picked by the system from the ward have started to emerge, and all of them are extremely compatible! I wouldn't have thought of them myself, but when put together by the Date-O-Matic, it's great! Even the process of choosing 5 guys made me see the merits of some of the guys in my ward, almost as if I was having pity on them or something. I've never seen going on a date as a huge deal, so this became a good chance to just have fun, get some excitement going, and seeing what happens for a fun risk-free no-feelings-get-hurt evening.
But the best thing about the Date-O-Matic? Everyone gets a date! Even when I'm dating up a storm, few things get me more frustrated than my awesome girl friends not dating at all. My philosophy is thus: "every girl deserves to be pursued." Unlike the stake dance, with the Date-O-Matic, my worries are gone! I don't have stress out about me or my awesome friends getting a date, it's guaranteed.
Apparently my date-to-be stopped by tonight, but I missed him. Certain roomies will not tell me who said man is, but I think at this point I feel pretty good about leaving it up to the ol' date-o.

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