Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Date-O-Matic 3000

So someone in our ward (church group) thought that all of us weren't dating enough (brilliant deduction, eh?) and decided to form a ward date. This is how it works:
All the girls must submit the names of 5 guys they are interested in going out with, and the guys must do the same for girls. The bishopric enters all the names into a computer program that analyzes the results and spits out couples. Once the couples are formed, the guys are told who their date is, and then they must ask the girl formally.
Our apartment had several reactions to this contrived date:
Kylie: "This is a dumb idea. I'm asking out Michael instead."
Erin: "What if no one puts me on their list? Then it's going to be all awkward, like, 'So, you put me on your list, huh?' Or I could just put down that I'll go with whomever, which could also be a disaster."
Lynette: "What if the gossip gets out and everyone in the ward finds out who I wrote down?"
Katelyn: "It's pretty dumb that the boys won't ask us out unless they are forced to."
So we found ourselves going through the "ward menu", aka directory of people in the ward, to pick out who we wanted to date.
I, for one, did not pick the guys I'm closest to. Instead, I put random guys I might want to get to know better, two of whom I've only met once. I figured that I might as well add to the awkwardness.
So finding out who we're all going with is going to be like Christmas.
Or maybe a nightmare.
Or maybe the nightmare before Christmas.
To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. This post made me so happy. I bet the Date-O-Matic 3000 is going to spread around singles wards like wildfire. And Erin, I would be thinking the exact same thing. Question: Are people being forced to participate? If not there will probably be a lot more girls than boys wanting dates...
