Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Divine Date

Dating is a funny thing. There are girls that will change themselves to accommodate their date/boyfriend, girls that will fluff up his ego to show their interest in the guy, girls that will over-analyze everything with her friends about what a guy says or does along with how she reacted, girls that need a boy to fulfill their happiness, girls that don't care, girls that are super flirtatious, girls that aren't sure how to receive guys' social cues, and the list goes on and on. So that left me to wonder where I was on this huge spectrum of girls. This week I found out a more solid answer to that inquiry. First, I have always thought of myself as an independent girl that does not need a man to make me happy, though I have to add that they are nice to have in your life. My dad has always taught me that I don't need a guy to make me happy, my mom always told me that I have great characteristics and that someday I will find some guy that really loves my quirks. [It definitely came out a lot nicer whenever she said it...she's very sensitive and sweet]. My brothers are some of my greatest friends--I am very close to my sisters as well, but I tended to hang out with the guys instead--therefore I have often been seen as one of the guys, a role I fulfilled with eagerness, it was a role I have been familiar with, one that I am comfortable with.
Anyway, this week has been quite eventful especially in helping me find out how guys that I date interact with how I feel about myself. Let's start with Tuesday, I was contemplating asking Ryan [the boy from the "Swap Date"] on a date with me. I have no issue asking a guy on a date; that's just how I've always been, because I've hung out with them most of my life, they don't scare me--they only do, if I'm really interested in them. Therefore I was slightly confused at why I felt the need to ask Ryan on a date. But I did. So we went on a date on Wednesday, we went to Divine Comedy [for all of you that do not know what Divine Comedy is, I shall explain to the best of my knowledge. It is a comedy routine at BYU that is totally clean and usually are parodies of Harry Potter and things of that nature and they add in a little Latter-day Saint humor] together. It was my first time going to Divine Comedy [DC] and Ryan loves DC. We had a BLAST, we talked and laughed until our stomachs ached; he said that he had a great time and that it was fun to go with me. [Note: I am writing this well after the fact and he has constantly said this and has also quoted some DC skits whenever he sees me]. Also, he attacked me in the Library--this meaning he scared me which is just part of Ryan's personality.
I learned a couple things about myself on this date: I am content with who I am and if Ryan's interested in me: GREAT, if not: Eh, no big deal...though he'll be missing out because I'm pretty awesome!!

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