Saturday, November 12, 2011

Michael's Mistake. A Diamond in the Rough

I didn't have too high of hopes for my fourth date with Michael this semester, considering when he asked me he prefaced it with: "I couldn't think of anyone to go with so I thought of going by myself, but then I decided to ask you."
Not the greatest pick up line I've ever heard. (The greatest was one of the most serious guys I know who gave me a brownie, looked into my eyes and said 'Kylie, I just wanted you to know that you are really sweet to me. Just like this brownie.' That relationship ended pretty quick) ANYWAYS.
Michael didn't even pick me up for the concert, we met on campus where he had been studying. We were about to walk into the concert doors, we had our ticket's scanned and everything, when Michael stops and exclaims "Michelle!" and runs over to his friend from freshman year. They hug and talk. I knew her too and we said hi to each other and Michael said, "Wait, how do you two know each other?"

Three years ago to the day.
My freshman year.
My friend, Kevin, asked me to go to the very same concert with him. He showed up at my door at the appointed time. The problem? He showed up WITH MICHELLE! He introduced the two of us and off we went to the concert. I started hyperventilating silently the whole way there with thoughts dashing through my head: "Oh crap! Who is this extra girl?? How did I get roped into a poligadate? I THOUGHT it was a date! Oh, shoot if it's not a date I was probably supposed to buy tickets for this thing! I didn't buy tickets! What am I going to DOOO!"
When we got there the voice in my brain paused for long enough to notice Michael himself coming up to us. He had been studying on campus (deja vu!) and there he met up with HIS date, Michelle. I guess Kevin had just brought her along to give her a ride and because apparently we were doubling. He forgot to mention that detail.
Disaster abated.
And that is how I know Michelle.
Creepy thing is, Michelle is the only girl I know of Michael has been on a date with other than myself. And she looks A LOT like me. Coincidence? I don't know.

Michelle and Michael talk, which is incredibly awkward for me since we are blocking the line and the lady who just scanned our ticket is kind of gaping at us. I apologize and push us out of the way a little bit. And then what Michael does next is possibly the most awkward thing I've ever experienced on a date. HE ASKS FOR MICHELLE'S NUMBER. Right in front of me! I was blushing I was so embarrassed!!
When we finally left the scene of the crime and were safely inside the concert hall Michael says "Oh no! I accidentally deleted Michelle's number!" Karma.
I tried not to be upset during the concert and I did calm down after some uplifting music. I decided I would have to be assertive and bring up the fact that I felt like a last resort some time pretty soon. That made me feel better and I was able to set aside my doubts and have a good time.
Awkwardness aside, I really enjoy being with Michael. I love talking to him. Which is why I am so tormented by him! I can't stand him, but I can't stay away either! It would be easy to ditch him if he wasn't so dang amazing!
After the concert he said "Do you want to make mini s'mores now?"
I said "Okay."
He said "I actually don't have any ingredients to make it though." Great. He also doesn't have a car.
I said "Well maybe I'll just go home and do homework..."
But we ended up going to the art museum next door and having a delightful time discussing folk art quilts.
When there are no other people and it's just the two of us talking, it's really pretty amazing. We have the greatest conversations. So great, in fact, that after talking for like 15 minutes in front of my complex he just suggested we walk a some more. I get really hungry so we grab jdawgs for dinner. I guess that was pretty nice of him to take me to dinner too.
When he finally dropped me off at home I was feeling a lot happier and more equipped to say what I knew I must say.
When he said "Thanks for coming with me!"
I replyed "Yeah, it was great. I hope I wasn't a last resort."
He said "Oh well I thought about asking someone else I didn't really know and having it be really awkward or going by myself, but then it just clicked that I should go with you. And I was actually really looking forward to it, I love being with you."
I said "Well I'm glad to know that's what you were thinking, because all you told me was that you were thinking about going with someone else or going by yourself and then decided to ask me, and it made me feel like a last resort."
He said "I SAID that to you. Kylie, I am SO SORRY. I didn't mean that at all. I spend my life saying dumb things and repenting for them."
I said "It's okay, just make sure to make me feel extra special next time."
He said "I will. Thank you so much for helping me out Kylie."
We hugged again and said goodnight. It was a really good confrontation. He wasn't offended at all, he laughed it off, was sincerely sorry, and committed to change. Wow. He really might be a cocoon in metamorphisis.
I guess all I have to do now is bring up asking girls for their numbers while we are on a date!
Despite his mistakes, Michael does have some pretty redeeming qualities. It's what keeps me coming back for more. I'd say he is a diamond in the rough. Or a caterpillar/butterfly thingy in his little cocoon. Whatever. It's almost as if he knows what to do that is just enough to keep me hanging on. Or maybe it's God who knows. For whatever reason it is, I'm still hanging on to my little diamond in the rough.

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