Monday, October 31, 2011

First Date

So, Katelyn and I went on our "swap date" and it was a blast. I went with this boy whom we shall call Ryan and Katelyn went with Jake. We made pizzas together, then went to an arcade where we had a little friendly competition: Ryan and me against Jake and Katelyn. The competition was to see which couple could win the most tickets and whoever did received the other couples tickets as well to cash them in for a GRAND prize. Ryan and I were the winners!! We couldn't even believe our luck, especially considering I have none! After we collected our prizes which included dinosaurs and lots of sugar, we all played Laser Tag against 2 other couples. They beat us pretty bad. Well, they say "you win some and you lose some." Anyway, I know I had a great time. [Because we were pretty much with our date the entire evening, I can only say what Ryan and I talked about]. Ryan and I talked about our interests and we both LOVE the Disney movie Tangled; we both decided it is the best one so far. Overall, I had a great time talking with and getting to know Ryan. He is definitely a nice guy [and he's not too bad-looking, if I do say so myself ;) ] and I would definitely like to go on another date with him! We shall see, eh??

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