Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Date a Manipulative Weirdo Who Doesn't Want to Marry Me

So I haven't been posting for a long time because of a boy. Let's call him Ben. So I didn't even mention Ben in this blog, but he is a friend from freshman year who started asking me on dates. We were going on more and more dates while I was still going on a bunch of other dates. Things were going well and I figured we would start dating but I liked another guy (Michael) more the whole time. But Michael wasn't doing much so I was okay with seeing where things went with Ben.
We had been on like 4 dates and we had like 3 more lined up, we had told each other we liked each other (instigated by him) and then all the sudden Ben stops contacting me. I was okay with it because I figured he needed his space. We had plans for the weekend so we talked on the phone and he was acting super odd. So odd I asked if he wanted to come talk for a minute since he was on campus anyways.
Honestly, all I wanted to do was apologize if I had done something to hurt his feelings. I thought he might have been mad because I went on a second date with another guy that night or something. But HE thought I wanted to confess my undying love for him I guess because the first thing he did was force a DTR (Define the Relationship) on me as if it was my idea. I wasn't going to bring it up but I figured if he wanted one I guess it would be fine.
What ensued was hands down THE STRANGEST conversation I've ever had.
First he pressed me to tell him that I did want to date him and then he said he was changing his mind every day about what he wanted and that I had all the qualities he wanted in a (gulp) wife. He kept talking in terms of MARRIAGE not in terms of DATING. I wasn't seeing much past next week and he was thinking like ETERNITY. And in his "eternal thoughts" he had decided that he wanted to marry someone exactly like him. He said he would know who he wanted to marry within a couple days of knowing them and we'd known each other for too long. He also said he didn't think it was good to consult God about this because he would just let us make a decision and then approve or disapprove. I just can't agree with that...
I couldn't believe how much thought he had put into MARRYING me! I thought you were supposed to date someone before you consider marrying them...but when I said "Wait, what you are thinking about MARRIAGE?" he said "What do you THINK is on my mind Kylie, I just got back from my mission." I had no idea you should be able to know who your eternal companion is within a couple days of meeting them.
He said he loved being with me and spending time with me so in that way he LIKES me but he doesn't want to date me. And he never liked me even though he asked me on like seven dates and TOLD me he likes me. What the what?!
He said it was beneficial to him to spend time with me because I helped him learn how to socialize and date (he JUST got off his mission). I said "So basically, you were using me." He said "...Yeah I guess." Yikes...
And then he begged me to be his best friend. I said definitely not. He said "Why not Kylie?!" I said "Because I actually have a soul." He wanted to emotionally confide everything in each other, spend lots of time together, and do everything people do when they are DATING but he didn't want to date me. I can't handle that.
He also kept pressing me to tell him why I like him.
I feel very manipulated. I forgot why I never liked him at all freshman year and I remembered after that how he got girls to like him and then made it seem like they just were in love with him and he didn't like them back. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he had changed but he definitely hasn't. Poor boy's got a lot to learn. The poor girls he meets have a lot to put up with.
I feel like I just liked him in response to the way he acted towards me and since apparently that was never there my like for him just completely dissipated.
So I was over it and chalked it up to immaturity until I saw Ben had just posted on his friends wall, "there was a girl who was way too interested in me." Maybe I'm wrong but I figured when a guy asked you on like 7 dates, TELLS you he likes you and is ridiculously flirtatious it means he is the one interested in me and it's okay to develop interest in response. But I guess all that means is he doesn't like you at all.
FORTUNATELY I liked Michael way more the whole time I was "dating" Ben. Now I like him 100 times more! (Thank you Ben for making me appreciate sensitive guys!). AND me and Michael went on another sweet date tonight!!! He is so awesome. I guess slow and steady really does win the race!


  1. Holy crap. Lets just say Ben is taking the whole "eternal perspective" thing WAY too literally. I understand him looking to find a wife but you have to date the person before you can decide if they are actually for you. Wow Kylie, who would have thought you had this much boy drama!

  2. Wow. Very well put, Kylie! Man, I knew he was a wierdo, but that's scary it's like a pattern in his dating relationships. Nothing's gonna change about him any time you are lucky to be rid of him!

  3. This boy has some self-esteem issues. He pressures you into explaining why you like him because that is what he wants to hear: praise! One day, he will figure out what his priorities should be and get on the right track, but you deserve that right from the beginning. Wait for the man who is in this for the blessings of unconditional love and companionship, and forgo those who are simply seeking personal confirmation. Way to go Kylie! :)

  4. Yeah total weirdo. I hope the song you wrote helped you move on. And I COMPLETELY agree with Katie: self-esteem issues are written all over this. I'm proud of you Kylie! And the last line made me crack up!!! Remember when someone (Katie maybe? I don't know if it's the same Katie that commented above or not...) said, "Slow and steady wins the race!" And you said, "Or bores me to tears!" HAHAHA. Well I hope Michael isn't boring you to tears anymore! I'm still rooting for him! Unless you find a cooler guy who's already a "beautiful butterfly" :) haha
