Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Reason Why

Recently I have discovered the reason why I am still VL: I am oblivious. The End. I could end this post right here, but I will elaborate.

So, there is this boy in my Statistics class, whom we'll refer to as Brady, and he sits next to me every class and if he arrives to class before me, he'll save me a seat. We're pretty good friends. He's very smart and pretty funny and it's nice to have a friend in a class with you and contrary to popular belief, Statistics has become fun. Because we have a test coming up, Brady asked for my number so that we can form a study group with a couple of my other friends--or so I thought.

The week continued without any alarm, when today I was hit in the head with a frying pan!

In Stats class today, Brady and I were talking our normal before-class-chatter when BANG out of nowhere something unexpected happened. He started out our conversation with "What did you have for breakfast this morning?" [Now if you knew Brady you would all know that this is normal for him]. I answered with "A muffin, you?" And the conversation quickly turned to another familiar topic: "Do you have any plans this weekend?" He asked me. [Last week I went snowmobiling with family, so we talked about that for a while. This topic did not raise any suspicion in me as it probably should have]. "No," I answered, "I mean there is a stake dance that I'm going to on Friday. You?" [How am I not getting any of these hints!?] "Um, nothing really. Hey, so I have a question for you; it's kind of bold." [He did warn me, and still NOTHING! When he said bold, I thought, oh maybe he'll ask me why I don't eat breakfast?? Gosh, I'm dense.] "Yeah, go for it." I stupidly said. "Would you like to play racquetball with me on Saturday." [Still no red flags; I seriously was thinking: "It's nice that he and I are friends." or something like that.] "Yeah, I would love to? What time? And I'm not really sure how to play racquetball." He answered with "Two [or something;because it gets a little blurry here, I told you, hit in the head with a frying pan!] and don't worry, it's just for fun." I then said [still in oblivion, mind you] "Well, I have something going on for Relief Society, but I think it's a little later in the evening. So, sure. But no judgments because I'm horribly uncoordinated!" He laughed, and then his next words really brought the reality of the situation into view "No judgments, my friend's date--oh, yeah it's a double date. Is that okay? [I numbly nodded, OH. Now it's all making sense. And now it's way too late.]--doesn't know how to play either." The fact that I could speak after this realization still amazes me, "Well, I'll let you know tomorrow in Lab or Friday in class if I can for sure go. 'Kay?" He responded, "Or you could just call me, you have my number [OH SHOOT. I'm so slow!]" I smiled, "Right." Then class saved me.

And that, good people of the jury, is why I am still VL. I am really good at being a friend of any guy, but reading signs of any interest just seems to escape me!

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