Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Refuser

I'm Kylie, the artsy one. I'm a graphic designer and all around artist. I love anything creative: art, music, dancing, theater. I've done it all. I'm a social butterfly to the max and a passionate dreamer. I love change and opportunities. I was a counselor at EFY (Especially for Youth) this summer, I spent four months living in Jerusalem and I've always hopped from one opportunity to the next. Do I do opportunity hop with men? Absolutely.
Wearied with the shocked, inquisitive and shaming response I get every time I confess my status as a VL, I decided to make it my personal New Years resolution to lose it by this New Years. The problem is, my goal is to kiss a man worth kissing and I know why I'm still in the VLC...I'm the refuser. My dating life is probably the most dramatic of the VLC right now, and honestly, it's been pretty dramatic since I turned 16. But that doesn't bring me any closer to my goal. Why not? I love change, I thrive off of the excitement and then take flight at the first sign of potential emotional pain to me or to the man. That means all relationships end or are carefully placed into friend zone before they even begin. I have mastered the art of gracefully cutting off my potential prospects in their tracks. This skill has spared me much emotional pain, but it also may lost me an opportunity or two.
I'm Kylie, and I'm a member of the VLC.

The Old Maid

Well, it's my time to let you in on my life! I recently returned from serving a mission for the church in Arizona working with the Spanish-speaking people there. This is my senior year at BYU, and I'm graduating with a degree in English and a minor in editing. That said, of course my passion is writing and reading, especially for children and young adults. If I don't immediately get recognized as the next greatest author, I plan to work for a magazine...and write on the side. I also enjoy singing, playing piano and guitar, and long walks on the beach...
I'm the old maid of the apartment...considering that in Provo, UT, 23 and unmarried means that you're soon destined to a life of living alone with your twenty cats. I wasn't allowed to date on my mission nor my study abroad in London, so I like to think of that as a good excuse of why I'm still in the VL club. But really, my dating life before that wasn't all too exciting either. The story of my dating life can be summed up in one sentence: He likes me, but I don't like him; I like him, but he doesn't like me. Dating for me was having fun with guy friends, but never a serious thing. So perhaps I should start thinking of it differently....especially since I don't have enough money for twenty cats.
I'm Erin. And I'm a member of the VLC.

The Dangerously Determined Damsel

     So, I'm Kate, the one waiting for her knight in shining armor, and just between us, if said knight shows up without a white horse, he can head straight to the next damsel down the line.  I don't know what else you may have heard from whoever is spreading rumors about me, but allow me to set the record straight.  I am a damsel of foreign extraction - I was born in Canada - but my currently claimed hometown is Meridian, ID.  I am slogging through my fifth and final year as a History major here at BYU.  I am a fervent animal lover and I love long walks on the beach or anywhere else, for that matter, as long as it's outside.  I love to cook, read, horseback ride and travel if given half a chance.  Anymore information would make this seem like the longest speed-dating answer ever, so I will stop before making anyone else sick.
     Given that this whole shenanigan was started because of the combined VL status of apartment #9, perhaps I should enlighten you as to how I've gotten this far in life without a single kiss or even a single boyfriend. Trust me, if I knew, we wouldn't be here right now.  This would be one time in life where I'd welcome any comments from the peanut gallery.....Nothing....Okay, I will just have to keep waiting.  The thing is, waiting isn't exactly on my list of favorite pastimes.  The fact that I didn't include that in the list above should have a been an automatic tip-off, but let's not split hairs.
      Whatever, the reason for my VL status, it doesn't change the sad state of my life when sweet grandmotherly types approach me between meetings at church and kindly inform me that because I failed to do so myself, they've found my soul-mate for me, and he works at ShopKo.  Thanks, but no thanks.  You see, I've always been pretty much the antithesis of a damsel in distress and any unsolicited attempts to turn me into said damsel usually have the unsavory effect of turning me into an unflatteringly competitive female version of a male bison during the rut, butting head with anything that moves.  If I do need saving, it's from myself, because without any hope on the horizon of losing this pesky VL status, I will probably just keep charging forward, head down, horns at the ready and heaven help any poor men who happen to be in my path. The fact that the National Weather Service has yet to name a hurricane after me is of little significance. I've yet to master the role of docile female, and I believe that to be the root of my problem. However, all nasty storms blow themselves to oblivion eventually, so if there are any men out there brave and/or crazy enough to grab hold and hang on long enough to get to that point, I'm begging you to do so.  And soon!   
I'm Kate, and I'm a member of the VLC. 

The Newbie

I am Lynette, the Freshman at BYU. I just moved to Utah from a little town in New York. I have two older brothers and three little sisters. I love to read, write, talk, and do anything related to music. My major at BYU is Sociology with a minor hopefully in Polish. I would love to do a study abroad program in Poland my Junior year. I also hope to become a Domestic Violence Counselor someday. I want to help people overcome their trials while having a firm foundation in the Gospel.
I guess the real information you care about is my love life-or lack there of-considering the name of this blog. Well, I have been to my Junior and Senior Proms. And that concludes my love life. My seven year old sister is having more success in the dating world than me. And I'm 18! I hope to have some dating experiences while here in Provo, Utah, at the university of marriage-however, I am so not ready for marriage. So all I'm asking for is to have a few dates here and there. Is that so much to ask??
I am Lynette. And I have never been kissed and I'm a member of the VLC.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Who We Are

So it's the day before classes start at our favorite marriage-friendly institution, Brigham Young University, and the four of us, being new roommates, sit down to decide on roommate goals. The conversation turns to our pet peeves, and we bring up too much PDA in the apartment. As the talk continues, my brain is abuzz as I begin to piece together a single fact: none of us has been kissed...ever. I decide to voice my horrific discovery, and yes, indeed- here we are, four BYU students, and not one of us has had our first kiss.
So we formed the VLC, or Virgin Lip Club. All of us must wear a special lip ring (that's ring with lips on it, not rings on our lips) to identify ourselves as a member of the VLC. The catch is that this is the one club we want to get out of. Whoever breaks their VLC-ness will be rewarded with a ceremonial send-the-ring-down-the-duck-pond party. And one of us must exit the club this year!
So the war begins. WHO WILL GET OUT OF THE VLC FIRST? Will it be me, Erin, the 23-year-old desperately in need of a romance; Kylie, who set a personal goal to be kissed this year; Kate, who is waiting for her Prince Charming; or Lynette, the new freshman on campus???
Keep reading and find out!