Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Refuser

I'm Kylie, the artsy one. I'm a graphic designer and all around artist. I love anything creative: art, music, dancing, theater. I've done it all. I'm a social butterfly to the max and a passionate dreamer. I love change and opportunities. I was a counselor at EFY (Especially for Youth) this summer, I spent four months living in Jerusalem and I've always hopped from one opportunity to the next. Do I do opportunity hop with men? Absolutely.
Wearied with the shocked, inquisitive and shaming response I get every time I confess my status as a VL, I decided to make it my personal New Years resolution to lose it by this New Years. The problem is, my goal is to kiss a man worth kissing and I know why I'm still in the VLC...I'm the refuser. My dating life is probably the most dramatic of the VLC right now, and honestly, it's been pretty dramatic since I turned 16. But that doesn't bring me any closer to my goal. Why not? I love change, I thrive off of the excitement and then take flight at the first sign of potential emotional pain to me or to the man. That means all relationships end or are carefully placed into friend zone before they even begin. I have mastered the art of gracefully cutting off my potential prospects in their tracks. This skill has spared me much emotional pain, but it also may lost me an opportunity or two.
I'm Kylie, and I'm a member of the VLC.

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