Thursday, September 1, 2011

Too many options!!!

So I think one of the problems here, aka one of the reasons why I'm in the VLC, is because there are TOO MANY OPTIONS! You're probably thinking: "Too many options? That's not a problem!" Hear me out!
Everyone thinks that since I go to BYU, it should be a breeze finding Mr. Right, right? Wrong. The problem is that there are too many Mr. Rights. There are guys here, guys there, guys flippin' everywhere! How is a girl supposed to find just one? And the other problem is that with so many Mr. Rights, there are also too many Ms. Rights, so if you find a Mr. Right, invariably, he's already cuddling up next to Ms. Right. How can a girl compete with that?
It's like going to one of those grocery stores with too many options. Say you want to get some ketchup, and you go down the aisle and find not two or three but about twenty brands of ketchup. Some are cheap, some are better quality, some have pretty bottles, etc. It takes forever to narrow down your choices. But say you go to a store with only a couple options. Then it's a lot easier to make a choice.
Then again, maybe my analogy doesn't work so well, because when confronted with too many brands, I pick the cheapest. But I definitely don't go for the "cheapest" guy. At least I hope not.
Finding the right guy is rough. Every time someone gets engaged (aka every day here) I want to invite a choir of angels to sing for them because they actually found someone they wanted to marry, who wanted to marry them! It's a miracle!
The point is, I'm just a little overwhelmed right now. I think I'll go to the grocery store and buy a nice cheap bottle of ketchup.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. I think the issue with me is that I get lost in the crowd of other ketchup bottles. I would even go so far as to say that the guys are the ones doing the shopping (not a good idea in the first place) and the girls are the ones on the shelf. If a guy doesn't need ketchup right now, you know you're going to find him on the junk food aisle wasting his money. And other guys just keep going through the free sample line for every different flavor, unable to make a purchase. ARGH!
