Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's Raining Men! Hallelujah!!

SURPRISE!! I walked in my apartment yesterday to see that Erin had thrown me an awesome surprise birthday party! Even better (or worse...) pretty much ALL the guys I'm interested in right now were THERE! Talk about overwhelming! Cause right now there are a's raining men!
Okay let's back it up.
So I was at institute (a church class) talking to a guy, and a new guy in our ward, Don, was hovering and I could tell he wanted to talk to me. I didn't get to and I felt really bad. So I went to his apartment afterwards and just to talk to him and we had THE GREATEST CONVERSATION! I'm telling you, this guy is solid gold! He found out it was my birthday the next day and asked me if I wanted to make smoothies with him after I got out of class at 9.
On the night of my birthday I had that class with Michael. He invited me to go to ice cream afterwards. So we finally had our first single date! Yay! It was fantastic, we had the greatest conversations, and he is simply an amazing guy. We headed back to my apartment and when we got to the door, he knocked. After a sec I said "Hey, it's my apartment! We can just walk in!" So I opened the door and there was a roomful of my best friends in the world!
It was crazy to see all the guys I'm interested in at once! Very overwhelming. But I think I have chosen a top 3!
1. Michael
2. Don
3. David (the guy from freshman year I went on a date with a few posts back)
Oh by the way Don rainchecked smoothie-ness and for those of you rooting for Dean, he was there too.

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