Sunday, September 11, 2011

Turns out I could use some help after all

It has been 2 weeks since my first entry and my roommates have all informed me that I am shamefully shirking my duties as co-writer on this blog. Therefore, to prevent any further shame from sullying my family name I will now endeavor to scrape what tiny bit of dating experience lies at the bottom of my barrel in order to craft a semi-acceptable entry that will probably end up being the only entry from me for the next month.  Perhaps it is best to inform you now that while I’ve had my own personal blog (the address to which will not be listed here) for three years, I’ve barely managed to write in it any more than three or four times.  I may be a history major, and therefore spend most of my time with my nose buried in someone else's journal, but the ability to write in my own journal on a regular basis has always eluded me. Anyway, enough said about my perpetual lack of interesting things to write; for the sake of placating the wrathful blogging gods, I will write what little I know (and by little, I mean a minuscule amount of foolishness thinly disguised as wisdom). 
I had an interesting experience this past summer with a good guy friend of mine.  I work with this friend (who we will call Hector* for the time being) and I would go so far as to say he’s my favorite co-worker.  Hector and I were working together one day when I accidentally tore my pants on a sharp object and the huge hole it left behind was placed squarely on the left cheek of my bum leaving my brightly colored underwear plenty of room to wave at all passers-by.  I would have been embarrassed in this situation no matter what, but the fact that Hector, a male, was present left me quite mortified.  I spent the next hour trying everything I could think of to keep my shirt pulled down to cover the hole, but every time I bent over (which happens a lot in my line of work)  the shirt would slide back up and my underwear would once again do its best parade wave.  At one point I had the “bright” idea to tuck in my shirt, thinking that my belt would help keep it stabilized.  When that didn’t work and I still had to pull it past the hole every 2 minutes it soon dawned on me that the act of pulling it down made it look like I was pulling out a wedgie which multiplied my embarrassment ten-fold.  Shortly after that uncomfortable realization Hector approached me as nonchalantly as possible and asked, “Would you like to use my jacket?” His manner was so innocent and his question so unexpected that for a moment I had to think to myself, “Why?  Does he think I’m cold, in the middle of the summer when it’s almost 100 deg…OH!”   “Yes please,” I timidly replied, relieved that he had the means to alleviate my suffering.  I tied his jacket around my waist and the work day continued without any further blushing on my part.
I have always been impressed with Hector’s generosity and kindness toward everyone, but I feel particularly grateful for his last act of kindness toward me.  I am glad he had the presence of mind to come up with a solution that was not immediately obvious to me and that he was so gentle in his offer of help avoiding inflicting any further embarrassment.  I mentioned in my first entry that I am a very independent individual and that I struggle with accepting assistance for outside sources. My hard-headed independence can be a major hindrance in the dating world where I have been informed that the best way to catch a man is to show him that you need his help.  I take an immense amount of pride in the fact that I can change my own tires and carry my own groceries and it bothers me when other women suggest that I should let the man help with those things just to help him feel manly.  However, this was one situation when I could not help myself and I was so very grateful for outside help when it was offered.  When I finally find a man who can feel appreciated when I let him help me with things that I truly need help with and not feel upstaged when I want to change my oil by myself, said man will have my undying devotion, and I might even let him do the manly stuff every once in a while just to show my appreciation.   

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