Thursday, September 1, 2011

Homework Helper

So I'm that girl you would call when you didn't know the homework assignment for English ninth period. I'm that girl you would call and ask for help on the Math homework due on Tuesday. I'm the girl you would call to get a summary about the reading assignment for Spanish class because you were too busy macking up on your girlfriend to read it. At least that's who I was in High School. The Homework Helper. But things have changed now that I'm a College girl!! Right?!? Ha. I wish!
Just Tuesday, I received a wonderful phone call from this kind boy, whom for all intents and purposes we shall call "Amadeus." :) So Amadeus called me and well, to be honest I was excited to see that I had a missed call from a boy!! It didn't matter that I had no romantic feelings for this boy-other than as a friend...honestly I wouldn't have minded going on one date with him...I just couldn't believe a boy called ME?! Clearly I NEVER learned the lesson to never "count your eggs before they hatch." This boy, Amadeus? Yeah, well he didn't know what our homework for class the next day why not call Lynette, right?? She would know because obviously she has nothing better to do but sit around and wait for phone calls from boys asking about homework assignments they missed because they were checking out the cute blonde in the next seat over...Yeah. So now I'm back to my Homework Helper status I so desperately tried to fight in High School. My love-life is a beautiful disaster. Mostly the disaster part though.

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