Monday, September 12, 2011

The Weekly Review

Two weeks into the Semester and this is what the VLC girls have been up to:

Erin: Has had a couple friends over EVERY Saturday at 10 a.m.!! She has been "hanging out with a lot of girls and not a lot of boys; [she] did go to the Latin Festival with a boy, but there was another girl, so that doesn't count."
Katelyn: Went to a Horse Show by herself on Saturday; however, she has been really busy taking care of her injured cousin and working...and trying to cram as much Historical information into her brain as possible, which "leaves very little time for anyone, regardless of gender."
Kylie: Has averaged about two..three...two.five dates a week. She has had two "super duper fun" weeks...she has recently been "trying to figure out stuff with the recently Returned Ones...and just having a blast."
And then there's me.
Lynette: I have been really busy with schoolwork therefore I have had the greatest privilege to observe boys from afar. The. End.

And this concludes the Weekly Review for the VLC.

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